British Age Group Categories (BAGCATS)
British Age Group Categories of Bagcat points are a system of points which are awarded for different swims. When a swimmer competes in a Bagcat event, their time is converted into points that take into account a swimmer’s age and sex.
A swimmer can take part in as many events in a season as they choose to, but only their highest points score in each swimming category will count towards their final Bagcat total.
For an event the overall position of a swimmer is the sum of the BEST point score in each of the 5 categories (50m events, 100m, FORM, Distance and IM being 100m for 9-11 year old and 200-400m for older swimmers).
It is therefore advisable to enter every category in the Age groups if you can achieve the qualifying times. (NB, Boys 12 and below and Girls 11 and below do not swim the 100m individual events). The detailed categories are below.
County Awards (BAGCATS) 25m pool

Regional and National Awards
(BAGCATS) 50m pool